Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Stampede!

Yesterday morning this large table in the middle room was chuck full of boxes of soap, bottles of fragrances, and much much more. By the end of the day the table wasn't quite bare like Mother Hubbard's Cupboard but it was close. I figure you're the culprits!
These amazing creatures (don't they almost seem real?) feel like they come right out of the Arabian nights. They're oil lamps! All of them come with their own boxes, except for the big guy in the center.
I just love presenting this cupboard because it's so fun clicking on the pictures and seeing what's there. It looks like there are lots of lovely bowls but who knows, until you do the tour?
I love this green bottle and another Santa has made the long journey over the North Pole.
More lovely creatures from the Arabian nights. The purple gentleman toward the right looks like he's going to take right off and perform a lively dance.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

More Christmas Wonders!

I was taken back in time and across a great distance by these wonderful dolls. I saw them come in. They are handmade--there's one more I couldn't fit in the picture--and they are lovingly made.My sister-in-law from Philadelphia has a doll like this that has been sitting on a little chair in her living room for as long as I can remember. Don't they look squishable, dolls that are just meant for tea parties!
Talk about things out of the past. City Halls no longer look like this--except in our dreams. Each of these houses (about half a dozen or so remain) comes with their own lights and really, wouldn't this one be wonderful on a mantel?
A exquisite salad bowl and what look like satin ornaments. The bowl gets even better when you click on the picture!
Truly something from my past. This Santa looks like he's come over the North Pole, straight from Norway--and carrying a little Christmas tree, just for you. The plate is beautiful, so delicate--for bread or Christmas cookies?
The way to truly appreciate this beautiful crotched table cloth is to click on the picture. If you were fortunate enough to have a parent that enjoyed beautiful things you'd remember it being brought out for special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas. It needs a big table and a even bigger room to show it off.